Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Share and Voice: What is UMD doing?

~~~Helllloooo everybody! So as I sit in the food court, looking at all of the paper products and such that we use (and thankfully recycle), I thought to myself, 'What is UMD doing to make sure we have a green campus?'

~~~I believe it was the great Kermit The Frog that said "It's not easy being green." Well said Kermit...well said. It takes a lot of time and effort to create a green lifestyle, and I often find companies that aren't doing enough to go green. So I looked into it a bit, and found UMD's Environmental Initiatives Website. I was surprised to find out that there are quite a bit of websites that show what UMD is doing to better the environment near us. Here's a few that caught my eye.

~~~ Adding Up To Zero I feel is the most student friendly site. It shows current efforts on how UMD's Office of Sustainability is currently trying to figure out how much carbon emissions are being tallied thanks to the campus, which will ultimately help us figure out ways to lower them. It also has a section where us students can suggest ideas in terms of what UMD can do better.

~~~The UMD Eco Blog is another good website for students here. While I wish it was updated a little more often (last post November 12, 2008), it still has some interesting tidbits. The part of it that I liked to look at was the Carbon Sequestration Presentation near the bottom of the page.

~~~One last website I wanted to point out was the Lake Superior Streams Program. Basically, it looks at the 'health' and cleanliness of any water near the north shore of Lake Superior. Pretty sure it has everything one would need to know about the water around here, including fishing stuff.

So everybody, hope this blog post answers, or atleast points you in the right direction, of any questions people have about what UMD is doing to go green. Have a good one everybody!


  1. Steve you should get my blog out cause that is my saying totally!!! I love it!

  2. Excellent post, Steve! The topic is informative and it also demonstrates that you are seeking information on your own. Love the introductory paragraph. Once you start thinking green, you start noticing green and ungreen things all around you. Keep it up!

  3. awesome post! it's great that you are opening your eyes and looking into how UMD is "going green" good work!

  4. Steve- Great post! I used to think it was CRAZY how many recycle bins UMD had everywhere, now as I think about it... there has to be, or else I know I just throw stuff in the trash in being lazy and not wanting to walk the extra 12 feet to a bin. I love the new built in wall recycle bins by the hallway lockers by the Darlin Center. I think it's a cool idea! I'm glad UMD is doing so much to help out the environment! Good Find!

  5. Hey Steve, I'm glad you brought attention to this issue on our campus. I'm doing a research paper on recycling at UMD this semester. Like what we are doing and what would should be doing...so those links will be helpful! =)

  6. Steve-
    I thought your post was very interesting... I didn't know how many recycling bins there actually were in the school. I usually put my plastic bottles into the same one since it's on my way to class. That's really cool.. Keep up the good work!
