Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Share and Voice: Eternal Reefs

~Hello again everyone. Yet again, as I sat around on campus like I usually do, I was exploring the World Wide Web. One of my most frequently visited sites is CNN's. So as I was browsing, a title of an article caught my attention. It said "Green Burial' creates undersea home for fish." This intrigued me.

~First off, everyone should read the article. It starts out talking about a woman, Carole Dunham, who was diagnosed with cancer and didn't have long to live. Since she knew she was dieing, she wanted to have the last thing she did on earth a 'green' one.

~After that, you should all check out
Eternal Reefs website. It's kind of a cool idea. Their theory is(if I'm understanding it right) that to prevent cemetery's from filling up and to prevent from using all of the materials necessary for caskets, etc., that they cremate you, then make you into a reef house to put in the sea or ocean, and then fish and starfish can use you as a home. Cool eh? I think this is something that is going to be a big hit, really soon. Here are a couple of pictures that their website has.

~Check out the steps to creating an Eternal Reef on their main website, on the left side of the site.

~Also, here are some numbers from the first article that show how much materials we use in terms of burials, per year.
  • Reinforced concrete: 1.6 million tons
  • Toxic embalming fluid: 827,060 tons
  • Steel from caskets: 90,000 tons
  • Hardwood from caskets: 30 million tons
~The number that really sticks out to me is the Hardwood from Caskets. 30 million tons. That is a ridiculously large amount of wood. Hope people find this informative!


  1. Seriously! I've never heard of anything like this before! Fascinating!

  2. Hey Steve...ok I was kind of confused after I first read your post but after viewing the links you've provided I get it now. =)
    Although this may be off the wall, I kind of like the idea of a "green burial"
    Unfortunately, I've been to a few too many funerals in the past two months which has got me thinking about what I'd like to have done for my burial. I think the green burial is much more eco-friendly! I sometimes think about the future, let's say one hundred years from now, what are they going to do when they run out of room to bury bodies?
    Especially since, "Along with its dead, the United States buries 1.6 million tons of reinforced concrete, 827,060 tons of toxic embalming fluid, 90,000 tons of steel (from caskets), and 30 million tons of hardwood board each year, according to the Green Burial Council, an independent nonprofit organization based in Santa Fe, New Mexico." Maybe this will be the next best thing in twenty years, who knows?
    Great post Steve!~

  3. Steve... I had never heard of anything like this as well. It's very neat how you're thinking outside the box.. Way to go!

  4. Steve-
    As scary and weird as this sounds... I think that some people would totally go for this and that it really could become very popular. This is so crazy that you found this, because with what Shar said... really after awhile where will the caskets go?! I love fish, and water, maybe I'll have to start thinking... Great find!


  5. Wow!! This is a really cool post! You always seem to come upon really good topics that I would never even dream up!! Good job! It will be interesting to see if it becomes a big hit!
