Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

~~~Hello all! Where to start, where to start? First off, thanks for everyone who participated in my photo contest!

~~~Now onto the Ecological Footprint. Now I already had done one of these before, and I believe it was for Foundations of Health, but I could be wrong. I has some problems with a couple of the websites, but I found one to be very helpful

~~The Earth Day Network's website I found to be the most helpful. This is actually the only one that could give me an answer! It said that by the way I live my life, if everybody lived it as I do we would need 4 Earth's to survive. At first, I thought that was really bad. But looking at my answers, and realizing I could do a lot worse, I feel OK with my lifestyle, but still know I can do better of course.

~~~Carbon Footprint Offsetter's calculation stuff confused me. I started it out, and didn't finish it because it was very confusing. I'll probably take another look at it later on in the semester.

~~~Sustain Our Planet's footprint calculator was a little bit easier to navigate through and complete, but when I finished, it wouldn't let me sign up and see my results. I don't know why it was doing that, but either way, I did not get my results.

~~~Overall, This activity did help me realize I could live a greener lifestyle, even with the problems I had completing some of the calculators. What can I do? I don't know yet. But it is definitely something I will look in to! Have a good one everybody!


  1. Technology has it ups and downs, doesn't it? I look forward to learning how you will decide to lessen your footprint!

    (P.S. Be sure to label this post.)

  2. Steve: Sounds like you definitely had some difficulties! But, in the long run, you had an opportunity to learn something! And your right, at first when I saw I was using 4 Earths I was kind of like WHOA! But then I noticed that really , it could be a lot worse! I don't remember doing this for foundations, but I probably did and don't remember! Good job Steve!

  3. Steve-
    That sucks that you had difficulties!! I hope things went better afterwards. I really liked the pictures you added on your posts. It looked very nice. I thought these quizzes were really fun to do even for yourself. I hope everyone makes the changes they need to help preserve our planet. Good job Steve!

  4. Steve- Sorry to hear that you were having bad luck with the quizzes! There are some other cool ones on there that you could try too! I think that we can all live a "greener" lifestyle as well!

  5. Steve- Sorry two of the quizzes didn't work out. But I'm glad you were successful with one of them. I also would take around 4 Earths to accommodate for my lifestyle, crazy! Did you find anyways to reduce your ecological footprint? I thought drying clothes outside (in the summer) and recycling technology would be a great place to start. Do you already do these? =)

  6. Hellloo Steve!
    Again, you always have amazing posts, I come here to reference off of.
    I like how the pictures link with the website!
    I wish I participated in your photo contest! But of course, I was too late.
    Can you believe we live enough to have 4 Earths!! Wow, I am glad you took a look at your lifestyle and you realize it's OK (not amazing) lol.
    Looks like you had a little trouble with your quizzes haha, but I am glad to see you realized that we all could live a green lifestyle!!
    See you later Steve!

