Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Share And Voice: Favorite Photo

So I have a challenge for everybody. Find your favorite photo that has something to do with the environment, going green, recycling, whatever ya want as long as it has to do with the class so to speak. So leave a comment and include the photo somehow, either linking or copying it in, and we'll see how the challenge goes. I think once I get a certain amount of photos, ill put them on my blog as a post, and then have a vote for who had the bestest and most awesomest photo
-The photo I chose was in my last post, and it's going in again. I feel it kind of put's things in a different perspective.

Have a good one


  1. Love this! I'll find one and post about it soon. Then I'll leave another comment here! Super great idea!!!

  2. Couple things...
    Your title should read...Share & Voice: Favorite Photo
    The post should be labeled as Share & Voice.

  3. Steve,

    I found this picture to be intriguing:


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought this one was kind of cool... with the whole earth being green.


  6. There's an award for you on my blog!

  7. I have so many Steve...but I found one to put on here! http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn82/francisanderson/gardening.jpg
    Simple and to the point=)

  8. Good idea!
    I wanted to use one of my own photos, but I wasn't sure how to link it here so I posted it on my own blog instead - hope that's okay!

  9. This is a really good idea! It will be interesting to see everyone's pictures! I found a really neat one..it almost looks fake! I am gonna put it on my own blog as well!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Steve-
    I think your assignment for us is a great idea! I think it will show us what others have done to save our planet. My picture is posted on my blog if that's ok. Keep up the good work!

  13. Steve,
    I had one of my own picture that I wanted to enter into your award winning contest. It is posted on my blog.

  14. I just posted about your challenge! Hope you enjoy the photos!!! :)

  15. Hey Steve!

    First off, congrats on receiving the ENVIRO-cool Blog Award! You deserve it for creating this awesome challenge!

    The image I found represents a unique perspective on global warming. To check the image out for yourself, go to:


    The original website I found the image at is: http://newsbusters.org/node/14083

  16. Hey Steve check out my blog for my photo entry, Thank you for setting this up and getting everyone involved!:)
