Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Share and Voice: Coffee!!!!!!

~Hellllooooo again everybody! So as I sit at the Coffee Shop on campus, my mind began to wander(it happens quite often-imagine JD from Scrubs and his little daydreams, and that's what I do). After I thought about random things, I thought about how much coffee I drink....I'm addicted to the stuff, and I'm not afraid to say it(Hi, my name is Steve, and I'm a Coffee-holic). So as I think about it, I begin to think if there is an 'environment friendly' coffee, and coffee related products. I had never thought about it before, and I decided to investigate. Not to this extent, but just doing some investigating online. These are my findings.

~About.com has a great little site about ways to be more considerate of the environment when making the sweet java. It went over 5 main points...
  1. Buy Organic Coffee - I have done this occasionally, but not on a regular basis. I'm happy with Dunkin' Donuts bags of French Vanilla coffee.....I smiled just thinking about it
  2. Don't use paper filters - Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought about this. I use paper filters. They come in packs of like 200, for about 4-5 bucks. The site suggest using a reusable filter, which I am now going to look into.
  3. Reuse old coffee grounds - It suggest using them in a garden for fertilizer or ant repellent. I don't have a garden, but in the summer we did have a huge ant problem. So this is now something I am going to look into.
  4. Don't use bottled water - The point they are making is in relation to the plastic used for bottled water. Since I don't buy bottled water, this isn't an issue.
  5. Brew your own - Here the point they are trying to make is if you go to your local coffee shop and get a paper cup each time, your not being smart. Now I'll admit, I do this a couple days a week. But on the other days, I brew at home. I've been trying to stop going to the coffee shop on campus for about 4 years now. It's just so darn accessible! And it's less than 2 bucks for plain old coffee, it's hard for me to say no. What I need to start doing more is brewing at home and bringing it in a mug to campus.
~Another helpful site was CoffeeReview.com. It has pretty much every type of coffee on there, and has a lot of helpful information. The advanced search tool was the best, because you can search for organic coffee and it will tell you available coffee that you may like.

So anywho, those are the sites that I found the most helpful. So if any of you out there are avid followers of the Bean like I am, I hope this information helped ya!


  1. Very interesting! I'm not a coffee drinker, but I have been going through the same process with other beverages...bottled water, smoothies, juices in general. One other thing you might want to look into is Fair Trade coffee. An important issue to be sure!!

  2. Steve-
    Wow, I never thought of conservation like that. I am a caffeine aholic as well. A bad habit I know. I am more addicted to pop (diet mountain dew). I am usually drinking it during class.. Those are very interesting techniques.. keep up the good work!!

  3. Thanks for this info! It actually taught me a lot.. I need to work on not using bottled water :/

  4. Interesting!!!
    I went to the sustainability fair last semester and you should look into "fair-trade" coffee, I don't know much about it...but it's something to consider for us coffee lovers!

  5. Steve-
    Good find! I am a coffee drinker, and have NEVER thought about most of those things! I can't even imagine using a non-paper coffee filter, but my roommates and I may need to look into them. I don't know if I could re-use coffee grounds... that sounds a little weird to me! However, we have stopped buying bottled water at my house! yay! Great Post Steve!


  6. I'm glad someone brought this up! After throwing away my Kleenex yesterday in a classroom garbage I realized there was at least 5 coffee cups from our very own coffee shop in the trash! Now, I know they sell cups there that I'm pretty sure you can reuse. Or even better, just bring your own from home! Genius idea.
    A long time ago, Oprah had a show on saving money and not purchasing coffee/cappuccino on the go could save you so much a month! Of course this depends on how often you drink it but it's a good idea so save on the environment and money in your pocket! Here's a link the the list of ways to save:
    (Don't worry I wont tell anyone you checked out Oprah's website;)

  7. One more link:

    very cool!

  8. Awesome post, Steve! I also find myself addicted to that wonderful beverage we call coffee. I would have never thought of this! I brew my own coffee at home with tap water and a resusable filter. I would definitely like to look into buying organic coffee and reusing my old coffee grounds. Thanks for the info!

  9. Steve- I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but I really like your post!! Really interesting that you thought to look this up! Keep up the good work!
