Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6


- - -Hey again everybody. So Weeks 5 and 6 were a little bit different than normal, but it was still a nice change.

- - -We started out with the movie Diet for a New America, created by John Robbins. It went over a lot of ways of how our current diets are killing us. Whether it be Heart Disease or Diabetes.But they also went over our current methods of using animals for food. How we keep cattle in confined areas just so they taste a little bit better. One other big thing they mentioned was the size of American's food portions. How one of our meals would feed 5 people in another country. Crazy to think about it like that.

- - -Another thing we did in the first week was a CSPI eye opener. We could choose from three different quizzes and things like that, and most of us chose the Eating Green Calculator. It really opened everybody's eyes and showed us each of our impacts on the environment. With my current diet, I 'create' more than 10,000 lbs of manure, through cattle and pigs and such. Ugh. Don't like to think about that either.

- - -Moving on to week 6, we started out with having an assigned reading due, each person having a different reading. While mine wasn't the most interesting, it was still an important topic. Global warming isn't just affecting humans, it's also throwing the birds off of their normal habits. When it gets hotter earlier in the year, birds migrate earlier, moving to places that don't have their food just yet, meaning they could die off because they don't have the food they like. You can read more about it in my post below.

- - -Another week 6 topic was the movie The Future of Food. This was another movie that really made ya think. The main topic it talked about was a company by the name of Monsanto, that were farmers enemies. After making a 'Round Up ready' seed (one that can't be killed by the weed killer round up), Monsanto was involved in quite a bit of lawsuits. The one that stuck out to me was when some Monsanto seeds flew off of a Monsanto truck, into a farmers field. The Farmer didn't know this happened, so when he noticed that some of his foliage wasn't dieing when RoundUp was sprayed on it, Monsanto took notice and sued him for using their patented seeds. Pardon my french, but that really sucks for the farmer. He didn't do anything wrong, but because the seeds were patented, he gets screwed.

- - -So that is my reflection on the past couple weeks, and I see that we have a couple movies the next couple of weeks as well, so we'll see how they go!


  1. Steve-
    Another great post. I also did the Green Calculator and realized that I have a lot of work to do. I thought the Food of the Future video was very informative. I cannot believe how Monsanto has ruined farmer's reputations and lives. I do not agree with the lawsuits that were put apon farmers for something they had no control over. Keep up the good work Steve!

  2. Hey Steve
    Wow, these last two weeks have been all about food! I didn't realize it until I was writing and reading these reviews. The Food of the Future was very informative but it didn't catch my attention as much as the last two documentaries did. I'm with Christen in that I don't think the lawsuits that were put apon farmers for something they had no idea it was occurring.
    Great Job, Steve=) See ya Tuesday.

  3. Steve!
    I like how you put the numbers 5 and 6. it really caught my eye!
    I also hate to think how much manure we "create", ish.
    I thought your reading review was really interesting, I even mentioned it in my post! I am looking forward to seeing the birds.
    I think all of the movies we have been watching are really interesting, can't wait for this week to start!


  4. Steve
    First of all, nice touch with the numbers for the pictures! I love how your posts are always so laid back! Like we've all been talking about, this food stuff is crazy!
    I think it's even more interesting that I have like never thought of this in my life until this class! I'm glad it came now more than never! Great summary Steve!


  5. Steve
    Good reflections! I liked the pictues of 5 and 6..good idea!! Also I think that the Future of Food documentary really stuck out to me! I can't believe that they filed a lawsuit against that farmer because THEIR seed flew into his crops! It is ridiculous! I also really liked your individually assigned topic too. It was interesting to see how global warming is effection our animals too!
