Faovrite 'Green' Movie?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

Helllllloooooooo Everybody. Sorry for chit-chatting, so onto the Reflection!

An Inconvenient Truth
This movie was definitely an eye opener. While I knew Al Gore was really into the whole Global Warming thing, I never realized how serious it was, and how serious he is about it.

Mr. Gore showed a lot of interesting facts and figures. Like what he showed with the Auto industry and how all the American manufacturers were going under, and the International manufacturers were on the rise. Another interesting thing he showed was if Greenland or Antarctica broke apart. How it showed how all the coasts around the world would rise up, creating entire cities to go under.

Its amazing to think that the U.S. is doing so little, even when these figures are brought to their attention. Maybe things will be a little bit different with President Obama in office. But who knows, maybe it's too late...

Ecological Footprint

This was another very useful eye opener. While yes I had some trouble with the websites, the one that I was able to complete was nice to look at. According to the Sustain Our Planet website, if everyone lived like I do, it would take 4 earths to be able to stay up and running. While I know I could be better, I still think I'm doing alright. I conserve, recycle, all that. But I'm sure there are still things that I don't even think about, which is something I need to look into.

That's it for me, and I'll talk to everyone later!


  1. Steve-
    I really enjoyed your post this week. I love how organized your posts are. I agree with you.. maybe it's too late. I sure hope Obama can help make the changes we need to happen! I enjoyed the picture you put as well. Keep up the good work!

  2. Steve:
    Another great post! I think Gore did say in the movie that it isn't to late! And if each of us just changed a few simple things, it would help a ton! I think that Dr. V was smart in having us start with the eye opener that she did! I think it showed us a lot of changes that we can make, and hopefully will start doing! Great Post Steve!


  3. Steve- I really liked teh Al Gore movie as well! I have to agree with you about how he showed cities that would go underwater if antartica melted. It is soo crazy to think about!

  4. Hey Steve!!!!
    Same story here, I knew about global warming and Al Gore's involvement but I never realized how serious it was or how passionate he was about it!
    It really makes me so mad at how little the U.S. is doing about this problem. I wonder what Obama's thoughts are on this issue...I should have done some research!
    I think the Eye Opener will give us a reality check of how much of an impact we are having on this world. 4-5 Earths for each of us! Ah! How sad.
    Good post Steve!


  5. I also never realized how passionate Al Gore was about global warming and the environment. Of course, I wasn't old enough to vote at the time but it makes me wonder if the environment would be in better shape if we had Gore representing our country for the last eight years? I hope Obama has some ideas for help clean up things around here!!!
    I also thought I was doing a pretty good job at being environmentally friendly, but after my ecological footprint I realized I have some work to do. I'm pretty sure the average in the class was between 4 and 5 Earths...hopefully this class will help motivate people to be a little more conservative! I know it has helped me=)
    Great post, Steve!
