Hey everyone. Alrighty then. About 15 hours of work later, I finally finished my Photo Essay. As many of you know, I kind of have aspirations to get this cartoon I am working on on TV someday. So I got to thinking, and I thought of ways to combine the cartoon along with the photo essay.
Well, I decided to have the 3 main characters of my cartoon showing different ways to go green. Now let me start off by saying I, by no means, draw very well. If I somehow get my cartoon on TV, the first thing I'm doing is hiring people to draw for me. So if the drawing and such is ugly, I apologize. Another thing of note is you will notice quickly that the words are a little hard to read. (The scanner kind of isn't the best thing ever) So below each page, is the dialogue.
The title of the cartoon is 'El Zoo De Mexico,' and it's about three janitors who work at a Zoo in Mexico. They are called the Zooperheroes because they stop a mad scientist from doing something bad in each episode, making them superheroes so to speak.
The characters all have back stories, but that's for a different time (Two of the characters are people we see every day walking around campus). Also, if the quality of the pages on the blog still isn't that great, I'll be carrying around the comic with me, so if you wanna see it, just ask.
Hope you enjoy it people!
Box 1 - Howdy everyone! My name is Tom!
- I'm Ramon.
- And I'm Calvin!
Box 2 - And we're here to tell you 21 ways you can go green! They're all easy, and every little bit counts!
Box 3 - Let's get started shall we?
Box 4 - Ride a bike whenever possible! This way, you won't be emitting and emissions like when driving.
Box 5 - And if you need to drive, carpool!
- One car on the road is better than three!
Box 6 - Waiting in the car for more than 30 seconds? Turn it off instead of idling.
Box 7 - Buy a reuseable water bottle. One time bottles use plastic and energy to make. Not exactly good for mother nature!
Box 8 - Plant a tree! Every tree you plant will provide enough oxygen for two people for the rest of their lives!
Box 1 - Tree's take in stuff we dont like, Carbon Dioxide, and give out Oxygen, which we do!
Box 2 - Grow your own food! It will cost less, and could be a nice little hobby!
Box 3 - Also, support your local farmers! Typical grocery store produce travels nearly 1500 miles before it ends up on your plate. All this traveling burns fuel and results in carbon emissions.
Box 4 - And when you do go, use "Eco-Friendly bags." Reusable, cheap, and you won't waste paper or plastic everytime.
Box 5 - Say "No thanks" to ATM receipts. If everyone in the U.S. did this, it would save a roll od paper so long that it could circle the equator 15 times.
Box 6 - Download music instead of buying CD's. Each month, more than 45 tons of CD's become obsolete and end up in landfills.
Box 7 - When you go on a walk, bring a bag to pick up trash along the way. What good is it doing lying next to the sidewalk?
Box 8 - Buy rechargeable batteries. You save money, and throw away less batteries, which can contain hazardous materials.
Box 1 - Shower smarter! When lathering or shampooing, turn the water off until you need to rinse off.
Box 2 - Fix that leak! A leaky faucet can waste up to 74 gallons of water a day.
Box 3 - Turn the water off when brushing! It could conserve as much as 5 gallons of water a day!
Box 4 - Do full loads of laundry and dishes. Wash two fewer loads of clothes and one fewer load of dishes a week, and save up to 4,500 gallons of water a year!
Box 5 - Ditch paper napkins, and switch to cloth! Cloth napkins will save you both types of green: money and paper.
Box 6 - Unplug things when you aren't using them. Better yet, get a power strip. As much as 75% of electricity used by home electronics is used while they are turned off.
Box 7 - Change lightbulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent. CF bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last 10 times longer.
Box 8 - And occasionally, use candles to light parts of your house instead of electric lights. Do you really need them all on?
Box 9 - And finally, let kids know the benefits of going green! Remember, kids are like sponges. Things you teach them early on in life are more likely to stay with them throughout their life!